It is getting SO hard to take his picture anymore! He absolutely hates it when I put him in that chair to do his picture!

Some highlights from this month:
- You fully understand the word NO. In fact, one thing that you know is off limits is the fireplace hearth. So the other day, when you cruised from the coffee table, to Chris' ottoman, to my ottoman, to the hearth you began to violently shake your head no-no and glance back at us with a big ol' grin on your face...
- You're a big time cruiser. You can almost walk on your are just this close!
- Momma was very sad a couple of weeks ago because we retired your swing and jumperoo.
- You still aren't a big eater still. You like your baby peaches and lasagna, and the you eat your baby cheetos (that's not what they're called but I can't think of the name right now) and those "wheel" things. Oh and breadsticks at Olive are my son.
- You got your first tooth this past month and are now working on tooth #2.
- You learned a new word - Uh-Oh. And you use it appropriately. Appropriately meaning when you drop/throw something or when Grammy sings you the Spaghetti -O's theme song.
- You current favorite toy is the door stop.
- Your learning to give kisses. Even if they sometimes include a bite mark to the cheek.
- You are also learning to give hugs. Thankfully, those don't involve teeth.
- You throw occasional temper tantrums now if you don't get your way....especially if it involves you not getting the computer power cord (your true love).
Time flies doesn't it...... He is just too cute for words!!!! :)
He looks like such a little man with a sweater and jeans on...too cute!
He looks like a little man in this outfit. The picture taking only gets harder as they get more mobile! Happy 10 months!
I say it all the time, but time goes SO FAST! Happy 10 months Brayden!
He looks so big in these pics....and I think he gets cuter every day!!
lol cute post Have 10 months
Time does fly doesn't it?? I can't believe I have a one year old now! Oh and Perri LOVES the power cord to my laptop!! It was unplugged the other day and she came over and put up the cord and started trying to stick it into my computer to plug it in! She almost got it in the right jack too! Oh and the door stops. Good grief why do we even bother with toys haha
We called any puffy snack "shushy puffs" ( Gerber puffs, the wagon wheels, baby cheetos, even yogurt melts). The name seemed to fit since my son "shushed" when we gave them to him :)
how funny, Delilahs most favorite thing in the whole world is my laptop cord :) She thinks it belongs in her mouth, ALL the time lol
So cute! What a big boy with is little sweater on!
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