Tuesday, November 3, 2009

You Vote - Short or Long?

Ok I'm having hair issues.

I should preface this by saying I hate my hair. It'd thin, my natural color is ash (which in my book, isn't even a color!) and it doesn't hold a curl or do anything that I actually want it to do.

A couple of years ago I got fed up and cut it off:

It actually looked somewhat like a style. Kinda.

This is what it looks like now:
Now it's long again.

So should I keep it long or cut it back off? Which looks better to you? I have an appt next Tuesday so I've got to make up my mind!


Mrs. Kermit the Frog said...

Mine is med. length, blonde, and super fine. So trying to grow out my bangs, I had layers cut in it. The layers really make it look thicker and livelier. Plus it is easier to maintain... just wash, dry and go. Good luck!

Todd and Courtney said...

I like it both ways. I just chopped mine 4 inches and find it soooo much easier when taking care of my 1 year old!

Jackson said...

short! do an a-line cut, longer on the sides in the front and as short, layered or stacked as you want it in the back. this for sure makes THIN hair look healthier and thicker!!

Susy said...

I got mine cut short about 2.5 months ago. It was a great decision. It's in a short bob, with layers, and it has more volume now that it ever has.
I dry it with a big round brush, and smooth with a Chi if necessary on humid days (it's really easy to dry and fix because it's just chin length).
I say go short. It will always grow if you want it long again!

Candi said...

short! you look like one hot mama either way...but the short style is sassy!

Kate said...

My vote's for short. I just got my hair cut shorter, and it took a little getting used to, but I like it.

Anonymous said...

Short!!!! i have hair just like yours and i cut mine short a month ago. my husband calls it the "not-so-sassy kate gosselin" haha. its basically the same idea just not the spikes in hte back and i dont have that huge chunky piece of bangs hanging on my face. my hair has more volume and body now that its short and its SO easy to maintain!

Unknown said...

I like it short!

Amy said...

Def. short! It frames your face beautifully!

Anonymous said...

I have the same problems but mine is curly...ugh. I think it looks cute short ...but I like it long too..hehe~

Jessica said...

I like it short! you have a really defined jawline which works WONDERFULLY with cute short cuts. I would have a cute short cut but I am not blessed with the proper jawline =)

Heather said...

I think you have pretty hair! I like both...but if I have to vote and pick one, I vote for short!

Giggles said...

I think short and stacked in the back would be cute and is easier to maintain.

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Hmm, that is hard. We could be twins. My hair will not hold a curl to save a life.

Kendra said...

Oh...tough! Both are so cute! I think you are just beautiful Jenna and your hair would look no matter what you did!! But my vote is for the shorter cut! SO CUTE and so much less to blow dry!!

Rae said...

I would leave it the same length. Except get it layered and add side bangs on one side. Good Luck

Lea Liz said...

I really like it both ways! But.. you could do like a Reese Witherspoon cut like she had in Sweet Home Alabama or a cute short stacked bob!!

Unknown said...

Keep it a length where you still have enough hair to throw it up if you don't have time to style it. Short hair always requires something, especially a stacked bob! I love mine but I miss not having the opportunity to just throw my hair up and go on the weekends!

Brittany said...

Honestly, I think it looks beautiful long!!!! As someone with short fine hair that won't do a thing... I HATE IT. I want long hair back SOOOO bad. I think long thin hair is beautiful!!!

Pam said...

It looks good both ways but I like the short cut on you.

Addiesmommy said...

I also think you should go short!

Sue said...

It's very cute no matter which way ... but what about a blunt cut - shoulder length? Do you flatiron it at all? I liked the idea of the Reese Witherspoon style in Sweet Home Alabama. That would suit you I think.

Sarah said...

I would say go somewhere in between with long layers. You wouldn't have to worry about trying to curl it(unless you really want to!)since they'd be straight layers and you'd still be able to have a ponytail if you wanted. Show us a picture of what you decide! :)

ps I forgot about side bangs!!

Stephanie said...

I think it looks great short! I have long, blonde haiir and cant pull off short hair. SO any one that can pull it off, I say do it!!!
Cant wait to see what you do!! I'm sure it will look great!

Barclay Kathryn said...

I'd say short. Makes it look fuller, healthy and looks more like a style! I agree about ash- got the same color! : )

Jennifer said...

Oh I LOVE....LOVE the short style picture!!I think it frame your face just lovely! donate to lock of love Jenna!!!! can't wait to see what you come up with:)

Ashley said...

Short is super cute! You could always get a new cute cut for something different for a while and then if you get tired of it you can let it grow out again.

Lianna Knight said...

I would go with MEDIUM!!! Not as short as mine, but a little longer :)

Maria said...

Beautiful hair - either way. My vote is shorter. People may notice your hair if it's long, but they tend to notice YOU more if it's shorter. It's nice to have options, huh?

Annette said...

I love the shorter look. I gives your face a softer look with the little bit of bangs.....

Kirsten said...

I say go with an angle bob. Your hair looks thick and full and I bet it would be beautiful that way and way easier!!

Crystal said...

I would go short! I just got 6 inches off my hair this weekend. It is so much easier to do in the mornings and I feel like I have a style!

Hilary said...

I like it short ;)

Unknown said...

I love it shorter!!! What a great cut!!!

Triple J's Girl said...

Okay your hair looks so thick in all the pictures so I was surprised when you said it was thin! But being thin helps you a little because you can go shorter without it looking poofy! I have extremely thick hair. I try to keep it above my shoulders because when it's long its just too much to take care of. But if I go too short it can end up looking like a mushroom. I definately think you should go shorter with bangs and layers. It's easier to manage with a small child, plus it would give some personality to your hair. You will look gorgeous no matter what, but that's what I think you should do! LOL

Jenny Rose said...

I love it short! Super cute and chic! Like some of the other commenters, a cute bob would look greaat on you! You have such a beautiful face- frame it and show it off! I too have been going through a rut with mine- mostly since becoming a mommy 2.5 years ago! I love being a mom (as you know, best.job.ever!), but sometimes I feel like that is my only title and I feel too mommyish! Luckily, my niece is a hairdresser so she helps me through all of it- even if it means 3 hairstyles in one weekend- yes, really! I just get bored very easily!

If you don't want to commit to a cut, have you thought about some low-lights, etc? That would be great on you too! I too have an ashy color and usually stick with highlights. I'm trying to grow mine back out and along with different layers and bangs/no bangs options, we are gradually going to darken it- just for fun and a change! If I hate it, it is an easy fix back to the blonde! I am loving the low lights Beth put in a few weeks ago! It almost makes me feel rebellious! =)

Mary said...

short! looks much fuller..but you look great both ways

Lauren said...

I truly love your hair either way. But if you're wanting something different, just cut it girl :) Hair will always grow back. That's my motto!!

Mama2aMiracle said...

I sad add some long layers. Start the shortest layer right @ or below the shoulders.. It will help give it some volume. :-)

But to your question..lol..I like your hair long..but think some layers would help with sme volume.

Lori from TN

Al's World said...

I would love to have your hair! Mine is curly and I can't cut it short or make it cute, or anything! I personally love it short...but you look great either way!

Hey, did you watch Kate's interview?

Anonymous said...

For me, I have 3 kids and it is much easier to have long hair. I can toss it in a bun, a pony or just pull it back if I am running behind getting the kids ready.

Danielle said...

SHORT!!! I love, love it short...makes it look so much fuller. I just got the nerve and cut my long hair short about a month ago...love it! Plus, you can always grow it back out if you don't like it. BUT I really like the short hair picture. Have fun! :)

Melissa said...

I love long hair. So my pick is stay long and maybe you can add bangs. I love my bangs and you can do so much with them. I look forward to finding out what you do!

The Trendy Family said...

I would say short! It fits your face and looks wonderful!

Sherry said...

short with lowlights

Mandy said...

I say the shorter version...but I do like both. I think you can pull off anything! BTW I just linked my own post to you! I was planning on writing my own hairstyle help post when I saw yours so I linked people to help you out too!

Terri said...

I love the short picture... you are pretty both ways but I know what you mean! I think the short looks so cute on you! good luck trying to decide!!!

Jenny said...

I just went through the exact same thing and chopped my back to shoulder length. It will always grow back and this gives me a chance to get rid of dead ends, but I do miss having it long! Try going half way- that way, if you don't like it, it won't take so long to grow back?! I actually like it BOTH ways in your pictures- good luck ;-)

Abbie said...

i think you should trim it up alittle and put long layers in it

Jennifer said...

i say NO BANGS..a lot of people said bangs but the way your hair lays in the front..ummm not to sure you will like that!

Trish said...


Brandie said...

I am a short fan. But I think you look cute with both! Good luck can't wait to see the results!

Jamee said...

I love the short hair!

The Irish Lass said...

Go with whatever your hubby says, his opinion is the only one that matters anyway. :-) But if you want my opinion, it's long all the way, baby! Of course this is coming from someone who has long hair. I truly believe that if women really knew how much men love long hair, then all women would wear their hair long. And do you see the Ralph Lauren models with shoulder length hair? No, they all have long hair. It's classic and elegant.

Anonymous said...

It looks like short has won, but I like long the best. I think you look great both ways, but I would DIE if I couldn't put my hair in a ponytail on busy days. Especially since I'm a mom now. Can't wait to see what you decide!

jlmcclure said...

shorter, and you definately need bangs!

Hailey said...

I like it both ways but I like the long hair better! A BIG plus with long hair is the fact that you can pull it back in a ponytail on "lazy days". ;-)

Anna said...

Go short...it looked really cute in that picture!! But you're beautiful either way. :)

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