Like this blanket for Brayden - it's blue with white snowflakes for $2.50.
And these snowman silicone muffin tins (if you can call them tins) for the same price.

I never seem to get out of their (or Wal-Mart) with only what I went in for. It's impossible, I've decided. What about you?
what's even worse is when i forget the thing i came for altogether! haha
Their dollar section really is good right now! I found a couple of good things there last night, too.
I always have that problem at both stores and the grocery store! Sometimes you can beat the dollar section in Target!
ah i hear ya! went to target twice yesterday!!! that stupid section gets me EVERY time too!
I'm so glad I don't live close to a target, it would be bad really bad.
I work at the new Target in Tulsa, and I see new things come through my line everyday! I just love the dollar section! =) and yes, you can never go into the store and get what you went in for. Just doesnt happen lol
I wish there was Target up here north of the border. At least we have Wal-mart! ;-)
Those ice cube trays (or muffin tins) are adorable!
It happens to me all the time! I try not to go into that place unless I have at least $100 to spend. Because clearly thats what I spend Every.time!
Me too!! I'm a sucker for good deals :)
Yep. I can't get out of Target without spending $100 every time! I am like a kid in a candy shop.
So true! I always end up buying more than I expected.
I love Target also - Walmart, Burlington and Target are the three that I end up spending my whole paycheck to get out the door!! Needless to say - I have to limit my shopping!!
I firmly believe there is subliminal messages in the music they play that make you buys all kinds of goodies! And I think it's specifically geared for each individual, if thats possible, because I only go down the aisles that have things I want or like, so it can't be a general "buy something" message! HA! And in that message, there is something about if you spend less than $75 you won't be allowed back in the store! We all know how devestating that would be! HA HA! By the way, if you can figure out how to get the muffins out of those silicone thingies without them crumbling everywhere, let me know. Maybe there is a trick, maybe I'm just incredibly dense! I have some that you make cupcakes with that look like an ice cream cone. Did NOT turn out like I thought!
so right!!
HA! Target is soooo my happy place =). I can never get in and out of there in under an hour. I feel the need to wander EVERY aisle. Including totally random ones, like automotive or something!
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