Friday, November 20, 2009

It's Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas (Part 1)

Today we put up some of our Christmas decorations. Yes, I'm one of those people that put up their decorations annoyingly early. Oh, and we are one of three home in our 150 house sub-division to have our outside lights up and on.

We still haven't done the tree or the table yet but here is a preview!

The mantle:

Mantle and hearth:

Entertainment center:

A table I have behind the couch:

The mirror at the bottom of the stairs where Bubs waves hello to himself every morning, and the new Razorback snowman family:

Pine cone garland on the stairs:

Faux poinsettias in the entry:

The coat closet:

Next to the stairs:

So far this is all I have in the dining room:

So, was that picture overload?
Do you have your decorations up early like me??
Since it's Brayden's first Christmas I wanted things up as long as possible so that he can enjoy them. So far, he's smiled at all the lights, laughed at one of my singing snowmen and pulled down Santa off the hearth. So worth putting them up early!!!


jlmcclure said...

If my house looked like yours, my decorations would be up! But I have 3 messy kids, so my house always looks like a bomb went off!

Courtney said...

I was planning on decorating this weekend, but other plans have come up, so hopefully by Wednesday mine will at least be started. Your decorations look great!

Heather said...

We're doing ours this weekend! I hate doing it before Thanksgiving...but if you wait then there's just not enough time to enjoy them!
Your house looks GREAT!

Anonymous said...

Everything looks so great Jenna! I especially love the poinsettias. They totally look real! I put our decorations up too and Kaden also loved them. He just smiled so big when he saw the lights. It brought tears to my eyes! That sounds dumb, but it was really sweet!

Anonymous said...

I put all mine up last weekend!t

Kendra said...

I lllovvvveee Christmas time!! I love all your decorations! We are getting ready to move, so who knows when I will get to put mine up =(, But I loved looking at yours!

Leslee said...

Looks great! We are putting ours up on Friday. I'm so excited!!

Sonya said...

Very nice! I like the garland on your stairs! I can't wait to see the rest! I'm planning to start on Wednesday when we start our Thanksgiving Break. We will probably do our outside stuff this weekend because it's supposed to be 60 this weekend and only 45 next weekend!

Christa said...

Looks great! Love the snowmen!!

Anonymous said...

You have an absolutely gorgeous home!

Crystal said...

Your decorations look beautiful! I love the piece you have in the dining room!

Melissa said...

Very cute! I'm going to decorate as soon as Thanksgiving is over! :)

The Coach's Wife said...

Absolutely...we love our Christmas decorations!!!

tootie said...

Your decorations are beautiful! For the record, I never think it's too early for Christmas decorations! I can't wait to start putting mine up.

marion said...

Very beautiful house and decorations!
I started decorating my house last week, but I do not have so many decorations, I still need to buy some :)

Lauren said...

Everything looks amazing, Jenna!!!! :)

Guy and Julie said...

Oh-you're going to have such a wonderful Christmas with Brayden! He will be at a fun age for a first Christmas--there'll be so much he can enjoy!!

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