If you missed my baby name announcement, just click here! And don't forget, the free shipping coupon code for the Cotton Cupcake is "I Heart Jenna!"
So back to Tahoe...and for those of you who've now decided that my PSA's have worked and want to go visit, here are a few places you need to go eat at!
My long time fave, The Bridgetender, is a yummy hamburger joint. It has beautiful views of the Truckee river and excellent grub!

Just look at those onion rings...
YUMMMM. They also have the best fried zucchini but I ate it so fast that I didn't get a pic!

Another favorite is
Sunnyside. They have a sister restaurant in Maui that we've eaten at as well. YUM! It's more of a nice dinner place - steaks, lots of seafood etc. And you can eat outside right on Lake Tahoe:
Brayden wanted chocolate cake:

And this last place is actually in Reno, where the airport is...and it's not exactly a "local" place...guesses?

Um, yeah. Well, when you're an Californian gone Arkansan you've got to get it while you can!