How Far Along: 30 Weeks
Size of baby: 3lbs,15.7 inches and the size of a cabbage.
Weight Gain: 15lbs
Maternity Clothes: I wear a combo of maternity and regular clothes. It just depends on the outfit!
Gender: BOY! (Brody)
Movement: Mostly at night. He is VERY low but he recently discovered the joy of wedging his foot into my ribcage.
What I miss: Sleep and feeling like I'm rested!
Sleep: I get up about 3-5 times per night.
Symptoms: I still take a Zofran some mornings but other than that I'm okay. I'm also always way too hot and very exhausted!
Yesterday was by far the best day since Brody's echo went so perfectly! I'm looking forward to Friday and my shower and seeing all my friends as well. Next week I have another checkup and I'm looking forward to that as well!
I've been a little MIA this week and my Twitter friends were concerned - my family is in town visiting! I only see my grandpa and his wife maybe once every year and my grandma twice a year, so I've been busy with them!