Brody, you are 9 months old today!

- You LOVE to eat. You do not like baby food, but you will eat anything you see Brayden eating. Chicken, mac and cheese, grilled ham and cheese, fruit, yogurt etc.
- Along the same line, you don't really care for your bottles anymore. You still eat a lot but you would rather it come out of a sippy cup than a bottle.
- You sleep like your brother now - 8:30pm - 9:30am.
- You still have bad reflux and take prevacid.
- You wore a 2T shirt the other day. TWO TODDLER! Ohmygosh.
- You are ALMOST walking. You cruise around, holding onto the furniture.
- You can say "Mama and Dada" anytime we ask. You are working on Uh-Oh and Hi. Once you said something that sounded exactly like "GrandDaddy." I think he worked on you while we were in Chicago.
- You wave hi and bye. In fact, you were waving Hi at me when I took this picture.
- You have three teeth, and several more are poking through.
- You love to be outside, go for walks, and play with the dogs.
- You don't really have a favorite toy - you like anything you see Brayden playing with.
- You love Bubble Guppies (it's a preschool cartoon).
You are such a sweet little man!