This weekend, before the Great Sinus Infection of 2012 hit our house (I think I've gone through a whole box of tissue in the last 2 days...) we hit up our local drive through safari. The last time we were there Brody was too young to really enjoy it and he cried most of the time. This time, he had a ball!
My favorite animal is always the zebra. I just think they are so cute. Isn't this a sweet face?
This was a Scottish something or other. I called it a fluffy cow. Chris said that they were not called fluffy cows. I beg to differ. Look at him!
Brody LOVED the camel. It's hard to tell but it looked like the camel was smiling at him. Brody's little hand was waving a hundred miles an hour out the window to the darn thing. He just loved him!
I am embarrassed, and I probably shouldn't share this but oh well. This is a gigantic wolf. Or maybe he's normal sized, I don't know. He looked huge to me. Brayden looked right out the window at it and started yelling, "Jacob!!! Mommy, it's JACOB!"
And if you don't get that, I'm not explaining it. It's already embarrassing enough for those of you who do understand what I'm talking about.
That poor wolf is looking at us like, "Yeah, like I haven't heard that one before..."
Brayden giving "Jacob" a thumbs us. Apparently we know which team he's on. Traitor.
I think we're going to make a little tradition out of this. The kids absolutely loved it, and it's not a far drive. We can pack or buy a lunch to take with us, and when the weather is nice we can get out and go to the petting area.
Do you have a drive through safari where you live?