Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I have a new best friend.

If you've read my blog for any length of time, then you probably have picked up on the fact that my hair and I are NOT friends. It's very thin, but I have a lot of it. It doesn't do anything that I want it to do - ever.

Since moving to Arkansas I quickly became aware that women here like BIG hair. Teased beyond my comprehension hair.

Guess whose hair doesn't tease? Or have any sort of volume no matter what I use? Moi.

And last week at the Big Hair Appt., my friend and hairdresser introduced me to a miracle product:

(Ohhh!!! Awww!!!)

This is called Dust It. And it sorta looks like salt. But it isn't. I promise.

In fact as Julie was showing me how to use it, I asked if I use it like I was salting my baked potato and she said "Yes...If you really like salt!"

So here's the deal. You part your hair like you normally would and then lift up a section at a time behind it, as if you were going to tease it. Then sprinkle the powder on your hair. Then all you do it massage it into your scalp. And throughout the day, if you need a lift, just give it a little massage and it puffs back up!

Want proof that this works? Sunday, in church, my dad looked at me and said "Did you do something different to your hair?" Now, take my word on this, my dad doesn't notice these kinds of things. There had to be a big difference for him to comment!!


Melissa said...

post before and after pics!!!!

Candace said...

Yes... pictures! I have the same exact problem!!!

Heather said...

Ohhh my. I need some for my crazy flat hair.

Lianna Knight said...

Okay...I'm convinced!! This is on my wish list!!! Where can I get it? the grocery store? at the salon?

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

I want to see pictures! So cool!

~Shari said...

well - got pictures?

and where can we get this?

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Sign me up! I'm going to find this stuff if it's the last thing I do!

How "Sweet" it is... said...

Oh, that sounds so great...I HAVE to try it!

Bethany said...

I have heard of that stuff! Some starnger actually asked me if I used it on my hair. I will have to get some!

Lauren said...

Yes, you need to show us a before and after picture so we can see the difference :)

Cori said...

I agree - Before & After pics, please! And also where can we get this stuff?!?

Unknown said...

aveda makes the same kind of product too!

Jennifer said...

I have the same hair problem!!! I will have to buy some! I agree you should do before and after pics!

Lisa said...

Hello Jenna--

Beware! You will not want to use this product everyday (maybe every other day). It will make your hair kind-of sticky at the scalp.

But it does work great--really does give flat hair fluff. It is ONE of my favorite products!

Lisa :)

Carey said...

Post pictures!!

beckylbranch said...

hmmm never heard of this! Very interesting!

Jenna said...

Hey! I just found your blog. I love your name! ha. Us Arkansas Girls do wear the hair big..I didn't realize that was just an Arkansas thing until I moved to Texas for a short while. It's also bigger hair the more North you go in Arkansas!! I use the Dust It too...I couldn't live without it!!

Chic Runner said...

I love this product too and use it often! :) It works so good!

Victoria said...

There is a big rage right now, using dry shampoo the same way. I haven't tried it yet though.

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