Thursday, October 28, 2010

How did I not know this?

Hop on over to my giveaway page to enter to win a $100 Visa Gift Card!!

I did not get the memo that today was National Chocolate Day. And I'm a little upset about it seeing as I'm a dedicated chocoholic and have been for ... well, probably my entire life.

Good thing I celebrate this holiday every day. I started out with some chocolate milk this morning, then grabbed a SCHC (Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate) at Starbucks, and now I'm having a Kit Kat. Hey, if I'm going to support something, then I'm going all out.

Just thought I'd pass this little tidbit along in case anyone wants to join me in celebrating!

Thanks for all your sweet comments on my last post! A lot of you asked where my sweater came from - I ordered it from Old Navy! It's warm but not too warm which is great because I feel like a furnace most of the time now.
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