Happy 7 Months Brody!

I can't believe you are 7 months. Maybe I just don't want to believe it. You are growing up WAY too fast!
Here's what you've been up to recently:
- You sit up on your own, unassisted for as long as you want now.
- Almost immediately after that, you started pulling up onto your knees. You'll occasionally get a foot underneath you as well.
- You wear a size 3 diaper and 9-12 month clothing.
- You weigh in at about 17lbs (50th percentile) and are 27" long (75th percentile).
- You drink 7oz bottles every three hours during the day.
- You sleep from 8pm - 7:30am now. You never wake up a night (knock on wood).
- You.ADORE.Brayden. You watch his every move, you attempt to follow him wherever he goes, you get worried if he cries. You love him SO much!
- You love to eat. A LOT. Any time we are eating you think you must also be eating. You eat baby food a couple of times a day but you prefer real food. You also inhale Puff's like they are going out of style.
- You still have reflux but between your meds and the chiropractor, you are finally a VERY happy baby.
- The trip to Dallas seemed to cure you of your car riding hatred. You no longer scream in the car. Woohoo!
- We call you the alligator - because changing your diaper has turned into a wrestling match. You won't sit still! Ha!
- Your nicknames are: Bro Bro, Brodster Roadster, Brody Bear and Brayden's favorite, BroBrosie.