Thursday, August 27, 2009

You Vote - Costume 2009

A few weeks ago I got a magazine called "Wish Craft" from the Chasing Fireflies company. They have some super cute clothes and now some even cuter costumes.

We have yet to decide on a costume though I've picked out 3 that I like.

So tell me, what one is your favorite?

(And I should add that Chris thinks that we should find B a koala bear costume, and then find a tree costume for him and a zoo keeper costume for me. Um. No.)

My little lambie...I thought this was adorable. He's God's little lamb, it's in blue so it's boyish and this is probably the only Halloween I can get away with dressing him in this.

Yes, I know you're shocked to see a monkey costume. But I think B would love it.

And if Chris would permit my inner geek to come out, I'd be all over this Yoda costume.

So what's your vote?


Unknown said...

Oh Have to chose the monkey...That is just too stinkin cute.

Kristi said...

I love, love, love the monkey!!!

123 said...

I like the lamb. Like you said, this is the only year you can get away with it. I was sick and didn't do "I don't" either yesterday. I laughed so hard when I realized that you didn't do it!

Kelly said...

I love the yoda - I almost got Princess Leia for Harper. We originally wanted Harper to be a monkey but we fell in love with the pig costume!
I vote Monkey!

Anonymous said...

I vote monkey; but the lamb is a close second! Chris is too funny!

Anonymous said...

I vote Monkey!!!

Melissa said...

The monkey!

sportsmomto3 said...

I vote monkey. Since your post on how you didn't like monkeys until B was crazy about it, I think its the most appropriate costume and oh sooo adorable!

Unknown said...

Oh!!!!!! Yoda is what our little two year old Ethan is going as! I LOVE it! Although Yoda may be even cuter when he is walking...he'll be the right height!

Chic Runner said...

Yoda is super hilarious, but monkey is so cute! :) Good luck!

Renia Flaishans said...

I like Yoda, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the monkey costume!! I think he would look so cute!!

Crystal said...

I love the little Monkey!

Brittney said...

My son was Yoda his first Halloween and he was adorable! But I think B would be a cute monkey too!

J. Peterson said...

I vote...

Monkey. Monkey

tootie said...

The monkey is just too cute. But the lamb is a close second!

Jessica said...

Ive gotta go with the monkey!!!

Sonya said...

I can see B in the lamb costume! The monkey is cute too and yoda you could do another year after he's walking!

Kelli said...

Hey Jenna- i got the same magazine and was going to order the monkey costume but i actually saw another one at the Children's Place yesterday, here is the link,

Its a bit different but for the price it's something to think about!

Jill said...


Raven said...

Oh the Monkey costume is the cutest!!

Christa said...

I LOVE the monkey costume....too cute!!

Wendy said...

Gotta go w/ the monkey - I know you don't like them but they're my favorite!

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

Monkey. Too cute. Chris can be a banana.

Lisa said...

The monkey gets my vote. I think he would be so cute!

Lisa :)

LiSa said...

monkey- go with what b likes! =)

Lianna Knight said...

DEFINITELY the monkey!!! I can already see his cute little cheeks in that costume :)

Lesa said...

Another vote for Monkey!! Supah cute!

Laura Craig said...

That monkey costume is just too cute!!!! I vote for that one!! I have seen the Yoda costume before, but I think it would be cuter when he is a bit older! Maybe next year!

Jordan said...

The monkey is TOO cute!! = )

Lindsey said...

I love the lamb!

Savvy in San Francisco said...

I love the Monkey!

Annette said...

Oh I love love love the monkey....

Meg said...

It has got to be the monkey! No questions asked, he's your little monkey.

With that being said, my little Jackson that I watch was Yoda last halloween!

jennypilgrim said...

The LAMB!!! It is adorable. My BFF's grandson had this one last year, he was a doll.

Pam said...

The Monkey! I love that catalog, just wish Coco was still small

Faith said...

I love the monkey one! It's so adorable :)

Guy and Julie said...

I think the koala bear costume theme is hilarious. But the monkey one is ADORABLE and maybe a little more realistic :)

Beth Roberts said...

i'm a fan of the monkey! Very cute! :)

Were you guys at Flying Burrito tonight? I think you were leaving as my family and I were going in....wanted to say hello, but then was afraid it wasn't you! Ha!

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

Our new carseat is an Evenflo 5 pt/booster for the car he rides in the least. I think the name is Chase. It's for 22 pounds and 29 inches & up. Good luck on the search! It's a hard decision.

Sarah said...


Tammy said...

Put him in something YOU want because all to soon he'll want to be Snake Eyes from GI Joe like my 7 year old and there is no turning back! Enjoy it while he can't complain:)(I'm partial to the Yoda though;)

rae said...

I vote the monkey...just because I think it is so funny that monkey's freak you out, too! Monkey's freak me out so bad, and I had never heard anyone else like this until I read your blog! My friends and family just laugh about it! I do think it is funny that B loves them!! AND this is a cute cuddley monkey and not a freaky monkey...especially because B's face will be the monkey face!!

Kellie's Bama Days said...

I vote Monkey, but lamb is cute to. BTW I found your blog through Kelly Stamps and B is too cute.

algonquinteacher said...

Love the monkey!

Sara said...

Absolutely Monkey!!!!!

Unknown said...

Love the monkey. But I love Yoda even more, you can do some pretty cute family costume with the Star Wars theme.

Unknown said...

But I still say go for the monkey.

Jessica said...

omg... YODA! That is an absolute trip!

Anonymous said...

I vote for the lamb. I love the monkey, but the lamb is SO precious. You can always do the monkey next year! I wanted that very same lamb costume for Kaden, but they didn't have his size, so he's going to be a monkey. I actually found his costume at Walmart believe it or not?!?

Jennifer said...

monkey! I can see his little face in there!

mrsblondies said...

Lamb this year, monkey next year, and Yoda the next year is my vote.

Denise said...

I agree with Kristi -

LOVE the Monkey!

Hailey said...

I love the monkey costume! So cute!

AmberKoren said...

Looks like everyone is going w/ monkey! My pick is the lamb. So precious!

CaliGirl said...

I love the monkey costume...definitely! And, they have the most adorable adult banana costumes for you both to wear...or Tarzan and Jane costumes. LOL

Anonymous said...

I love the monkey but you are right, this is the only year you can get away with the lamb, so if you want cutsie, do it now! I like the Yoda but it's even better if they're walking. My son was almost two when we did that one and it was too cute. I had all the boys dressed in Star Wars costumes that year. My older ones aren't as willing to coordinate their outfits anymore. :(

Bradysmom2000 said...

LOVE the lamb, but my son would never forgive me for picking that over Yoda since he's such a big Star Wars fan. It is adorable too!

MJ said...

They are all cute but you should go with the monkey! It's super adorable!

Lauren said...

I would definitely go with the monkey!!! :)

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