We are HUGE fans of the Olympics in our house. This year the boys were old enough to enjoy watching them with us. It's been fun watching the kids pick out favorite sports and root for our team.
I love, love, LOVE watching gymnastics! Chris and I usually go to sleep early, but we've been staying up to watch our team compete. Last night we watched the women go for gold! That was so exciting. I felt terrible for the Russian team though. They really just fell apart, and it's got to be hard to work so hard for so long and then get there, make the team, and unravel.
We felt so terrible for Jordan Wieber when she didn't make the all around. I can't imagine the mental strength and determination it took for her to go from crying one day, to doing SO well the next, on every apparatus that she competed on!

Brody adores the high dive. He watches all of the teams and claps and cheers for each one - even the replay, slow-motion dives. Its so cute.
Here he is biting down on his "gold" medal:

Brayden likes the swimming. He seemed to really enjoy the relays. He was jumping up and down cheering for Michael Phelps right along with us!

Have you all seen the P&G commercials? The ones with the moms taking their kids to gymnastics practice or a swimming lesson? Those get me every time! They are so cute!
What's your favorite Olympic sport?