I have to say that I believe Jake. Wes is a shady, shady guy.
So the bigger question, will she pick Ed?

I think it's a good possibility...I mean why else would she let him come back so late in the game? I read an article the other day where she said that she had her mind made up basically from the beginning on who she wanted to pick. Hopefully, it's not Wes.
Are you watching? Who do you think she'll choose?
EWWWW! You're right. Wes is shady and I think she needs to boot him.
I love Jake and Kipton. It's too bad she let Jake go. Maybe he could be the next Bachelor.
yeah for normalcy.
i def. think she will choose ed!
Hopefully Ed. I like him.
Wes is awful. I don't understand how she can keep picking him. UGH!
I am totally hooked even though season after season I say I am done with that show- LOL! I cannot stand Wes, he is SOOOOOO Shady and I totally believe Jake. I was hoping that she would pick Jake, not sure who I want her to pick now. I know I don't want her to choose Wes!!!! My question is who is going to buy his cd after seeing him on this show? And who is going to date him (I am sure there is someone out there that will)?
Can't stand Wes....yuck!! Funny story about Jake - my husband is a pilot too and totally recognizes him from work. HA! I like Ed actually. He's seem normal.
I think Wes is a sleezy man! But I'm hoping for either Ried or Kiptyn
She is crazy for keeping Wes there, she is not seeing the whole picture AT ALL! I loved Jake, he was my first choice. I also like Kipton and Ed though.
Jake was my fave, but from what's left I'm rooting for Kiptyn...then again I don't like her anymore so maybe I hope she picks Wes (I know so mean, but poor Jake...how is someone too perfect?)
I agree....Wes is one shady character and you can tell that he is totally not there for her, but for publicity only!! I loved Jake and was sorry to see him go and I really like Kipton too. I am hoping she goes with Kipton.
I so can not stand Wes! I am leaning towards Ed . I like him and she really must like him to let him come back.
I still can't believe she still has Wes around. She must be looking back at these episodes now and feel a little foolish
Wes is such a jerk! BUT, she has made the choices she has made, and she must deal with them. I know she is going to be mortified when she finally sees all of these episodes and hears the truth from his own mouth. SLEEZEBALL!
I hope she does NOT pick Wes. I really liked Jake - he seemed the most genuine.
I'll definitely be watching on Monday to see how everything unfolds!
i'm addicted! i have loved kiptyn since night one, so i'm hopeful. i feel badly for her about wes and know how easily some guys can convince you of things. hopefully she'll see the light and send him home tomorrow!!
I really like Ed, Kiptyn, and Jake. She sure does seem to like Wes though :( Some of that I think might be editeing just so all of "us" will be suckered in to watching it longer! We all hate Wes so much, I sure hopes she sees the real him soon!
I can't stand Wes... That guy makes my skin crawl. WHY is she keeping him around??? Just the fact that he constantly has to explain himself should be a big clue!
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