Saturday, March 13, 2010

Walkin' after Midnight

Last night Chris and I went took B to my parent's house so we could have a mini date night. The main reason for taking him there was we went to a Dave Ramsey simulcast today and childcare wasn't available, so instead of taking him over this morning, we dropped him off last night.

Brayden is moving towards being an exclusive walker now. Since we've gotten home, he hasn't crawled at all.
Wearing Granddaddy's boots...and standing in the bathtub. Don't ask, I don't know.
The midnight part of the title comes from what Chris and I did...we went to Babies R Us about an hour and a half away. We have been moving B's car seat back and forth between our cars, which isn't very easy. We finally decided to just get another car seat for Chris' truck. Well, on our way out of town, there were two separate three car pileups on the same bridge. We ended up stuck in traffic forever. So midnight is about the time we got home and went to sleep!

This afternoon, he and I went to the simulcast. It was way better than I expected if I'm being honest. Dave is so entertaining and it never got boring. When I think about talking about Roth IRA's, 401(k)'s and emergency funds, FUN is not the first word that comes to mind, but he really did make it seem like fun!

Have you seen Dave Ramsey or attended FPU?

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