Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Nursery Part Two

So since I'm sitting around the house with nothing to do...I thought I'd share my nursery fabric!

Let it be said that I am NOT a themey person. I'm more of a color person. But when I found this elephant fabric I couldn't help myself. They are the cutest little elephants I've ever seen. There will also be a brown minky fabric and a green minky fabric included in the design. Super cute!

And today should be my 24 week post but since I look like a bum, in my sweats, with only half of my makeup on (that's how you can tell it's a bad day around here!) I will NOT be posting it until tomorrow, when I will hopefully look halfway decent again.

And a question...

If you have ordered a custom canvas from somewhere, tell me where you got it! I'm thinking about having something painted for Brody's room since I can't find anything I like.
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