Scratch the username change on Twitter...apparently, there's another JennasJourney on there, so I've got to stay Jenna05. If you're following JennasJourney, it's not moi!
OK, so today's my bday...I'm a quarter of a century old. It's also my only sibling's birthday (Jeff). Happy bday big brother!
Last night my in-laws drove in from Tulsa just to take me out to dinner (they had to leave for Texas this am). They brought me a Rick's Bakery mini-cake! Just the perfect size for Chris and I:

Mom and Dad bought me a waffle maker - I've wanted one for YEARS! So I made waffles this am:

Chris and I headed to Rick's this morning to order B's 6 month cake (Jennfier, if you're reading this, they totally knew you...I said I wanted a cake like you do and they cut me off and said "for Brody?!")
Chris surprised me with a cake of my own!

And then we pulled into a Sonic for Happy Hour and to feed B his baba...only thing was, he decided he'd rather feed himself! Yesterday I was out with my BFF Amy and I think B saw her son Landon feed himself and he was jealous!

So tonight, we are going out to eat and then going somewhere special....I'll keep you in suspense until tomorrow!
HAPPY BDAY JENNA! Hope you have a great one!
Happy Birthday! My 30th bday is in just 3 days! That cake looks delicious!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!!!!
I love Rick's cakes!
Happy Happy birthday! I hope you have a magnificent day and a super special dinner. I can't wait to hear where you are going.
I'm glad to hear you are 25 with a little squirt, because I'll be 24 next year when I get married and if I talk about having kids afterwards everyone tells me it is way to young! It makes me happy that there is another fun young mom who is loving her life the way it is. :)
Happy Birthday Jenna. I've left a comment before (when baby boy was in the hospital), but I haven't been here in a while. I'm a fellow Blog Frog community member and clicked on your blog to do my little assignment. :)
Have a super fun day!
Happy Birthday Jenna!
Happy birthday! Sounds like it was great!! Hope your dinner was as good as the rest of your day!
Happy Birthday, girl!!
Those cakes look yummy!
I love the white shirt you have on in the last picture. So cute!
Hope you had a very Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you have had a great day !
Happy Birthday!! I am one of the BlogFrog community leaders with you. :) Your cakes look yummy!!
Happy Birthday! A waffle maker sounds fun! I LOVE waffles. Hope your day is awesome!
Happy Birthday Jenna! Hope you had a great evening!
Happy Birthday Jenna!! Love the ricks cakes! :)
Haha! That is HILARIOUS! I'm glad Brody is famous at Rick's. :)
I hope you had a great birthday! I know those cakes you got were very yummy!
Happy Birthday! Can't wait to hear where you went!
Happy Birthday, Jenna! That picture of B holding his bottle is adorable!! He's a fast learner! :)
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday hope you had a fantastic day!
Happy belated birthday~! Thanks for stopping by my blog to introduce yourself. I'm trying to get to know the fellow Blogfrog Community Leaders too! Nice to meet you!
I am soooo glad you had such a GREAT birthday!! :)
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