I missed one detail yesterday - the 12 months of pictures banner - we actually included a picture of Brody when he was one week old as well!

For first birthdays, we do family only parties, and this year my grandma, grandpa and his wife, Bonnie all came into town (from Arizona and California) for the party.
Here's Brody about to eat his birthday lunch.
The two grandmas - Chris' mom and my mom:
Brayden pushing Brody around on one of their toys:
The happy birthday boy in his adorable birthday shirt! Thanks to Jennifer at Brayla Bee's for making it so quickly for me!
Brayden opening Brody's gifts:
Brody supervising from his new truck and pointing out which gift to open next:
The cake!
I ended up cutting a slice for him - he did NOT like the mess on his hands. He didn't actually eat any of it because he was so distracted by the mess!
I can't believe that tomorrow he will officially be ONE!