First, if you follow me on twitter (@Jenna05) I've changed my account to private. Just submit a follow request and I'll approve it - I was just getting a lot of spam. Also, if YOU are private, and tweeting me, I can't see your tweets unless I follow you! So let me know! The best way to let me know you're tweeting me is to send me and email so I can look you up!
My ideal Saturday does not consist of driving 3 hours (there and back) to get furniture. But, when you save a lot of money by going directly to the factory in order to buy said furniture, I guess I consider that fairly productive.
Bman didn't mind the drive - in fact he was rockin out to some Owl City, Third Day, Casting Crowns and the occasional, ahem, Miley Cyrus or Taylor Swift song (he has a massive crush on Taylor).

And finally, I made my THIRD batch of these this week. We ate the first batch (and shared some) and my VERY in trouble inside dog polished off the second batch when I left them to cool for a few minutes.