Today I met up with a new friend,
Sara, at Chili's! Sara's adorable daughter Lilly came (she's about 7 months older than
Bman) and she was just the sweetest little girl. I'll get to see them next week to - were going to the same MOPS group! I've never been to a MOPS group before but
Jennifer invited us and I am so excited!
I'm sad to say that Chili's has changed their menu - and not for the better. But we had a great time and thankfully, one thing they didn't change was their chips and salsa!

Yesterday I have B a graduated meal - chicken, potatoes, gravy and carrots. He did pretty good! He's also decided that he hates
sippy cups, but he likes to drink from a cup-cup. The purple thing isn't a baby cup - it's actually a travel container for little snacks. But it was the closest thing I had so it worked!

B has been in full temper tantrum mode. I've tried everything. I do not give him what he wants, which lately is just me to be right next to him. If I get 5 feet away he loses it. LOSES it. I'm hoping it's a phase - and one that will quickly pass!